
Koa API Skeleton

Koa API Skeleton

The main purpose of this repository is to build a good project setup and workflow for writing a node REST API in TypeScript using Koa2 and TypeORM.

TypeScript LOVE MIT Licence Open Source Love


method resource description
GET / Simple welcome response
GET /swagger Swagger documentation


To build and run this app locally you will need:


Included middleware:

Getting Started

Setting up the Database - ORM

This API is prepared to work with an SQL database, using TypeORM. In this case we are using mysql, and that is why in the package.json ‘mysql’ has been included. If you where to use a different SQL database remember to install the correspondent driver.

In local is being mocked with the docker local postgres as can be seen in “.env.sample”

It is importante to notice that, when serving the project directly with *.ts files using ts-node,the configuration for the ORM should specify the *.ts files path, but once the project is built (transpiled) and run as plain js, it will be needed to change it accordingly to find the built js files:

"entities": [
   "migrations": [
   "subscribers": [

Environment variables

Create a .env file (or just rename the .env.sample) containing all the env variables you want to set, dotenv library will take care of setting them. This project is using three variables at the moment:

Project Structure

The most obvious difference in a TypeScript + Node project is the folder structure. TypeScript (.ts) files live in your src folder and after compilation are output as JavaScript (.js) in the dist folder.

The full folder structure of this app is explained below:

Note! Make sure you have already built the app using npm run build

Name Description
dist Contains the distributable (or output) from your TypeScript build. This is the code you ship
node_modules Contains all your npm dependencies
src Contains your source code that will be compiled to the dist dir
src/test Contains all test files
index.ts Entry point to your KOA app
package.json File that contains npm dependencies as well as build scripts
tsconfig.json Config settings for compiling server code written in TypeScript
.eslintrc.json Config settings for ESLint code style checking
.env.sample Env variables file example to be renamed to .env

Configuring TypeScript compilation

TypeScript uses the file tsconfig.json to adjust project compile options. Let’s dissect this project’s tsconfig.json, starting with the compilerOptions which details how your project is compiled.

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ES2017",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "lib": ["es2017"],
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "outDir": "dist",
    "rootDir": "src",
    "noImplicitAny": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true
  "includes": [
  "exclude": [
compilerOptions Description
"module": "commonjs" The output module type (in your .js files). Node uses commonjs, so that is what we use
"target": "es2017" The output language level. Node supports ES2017, so we can target that here
"lib": ["dom","es2017","es6"] Needed for TypeORM.
"moduleResolution": "node" TypeScript attempts to mimic Node’s module resolution strategy.
"sourceMap": true We want source maps to be output along side our JavaScript.
"outDir": "dist" Location to output .js files after compilation
"rootDir": "src" List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime.
"noImplicitAny": true Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied ‘any’ type.
"experimentalDecorators": true Needed for TypeORM. Allows use of @Decorators
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true Needed for TypeORM. Allows use of @Decorators

The rest of the file define the TypeScript project context. The project context is basically a set of options that determine which files are compiled when the compiler is invoked with a specific tsconfig.json. In this case, we use the following to define our project context:

    "include": [

include takes an array of glob patterns of files to include in the compilation. This project is fairly simple and all of our .ts files are under the src folder. For more complex setups, you can include an exclude array of glob patterns that removes specific files from the set defined with include. There is also a files option which takes an array of individual file names which overrides both include and exclude.

Running the build

| Npm Script | Description | | ————————- | ————————————————————————————————- | | build | Compiles all source .ts files to .js files in the dist folder | | clean | Does the same as ‘npm run clean:build’. | | start | Runs node on dist/index.js which is the apps entry point | | dev | Nodemon, process restarts if crashes. Continuously watches .ts files and re-compiles to .js | | lint | Runs ESLint on project files | | test | Runs all tests in the project | | covarage | Runs all tests and coverage in the project | | clean:build | Removes all .js files in the dist folder | | ci | Runs ESLint and all test in the project |


Docker is an open platform for application development, delivery and operation. Docker was developed for faster uploading your apps. With docker, you can separate your application from your infrastructure and treat your infrastructure as a managed application.

build image

docker build -t {image_name} .

run container

In the Docker, you can run any script from the Running the build section

docker run -d [-p {your_port}:3000] [-e key=value] [-v {your_app_directory}:/opt/app] -t {image_name} [{script}]

| Flag | Description | | —————| ——————–| | -v {your_app_directory}:/opt/app | Mounting your home folder with the code for development | | -p {your_port}:3000 | Port mounting. Default: 3000 | | -e key=value | Environment variables | | {script} | Run script in container. Default: start |

Running TEST

Like the rest of the steps, we use npm scripts to call test.

npm run ci       // runs TSLint including all test
npm run test     // runs only test
npm run covarage // runs all test including covarage

Jest configuration

Jest’s configuration can be defined in the package.json file of your project:

Options Description
"testEnvironment": "node" The test environment that will be used for testing.
"moduleFileExtensions": ["js","jsx","json","ts","tsx"] An array of file extensions your modules use.
"transform": {"\\.ts$": "ts-jest"} A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers. A transformer is a module that provides a synchronous function for transforming source files.
"testRegex" The pattern Jest uses to detect test files.
"testPathIgnorePatterns": ["/node_modules/","/dist/","/coverage/"] An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths before executing the test. If the test path matches any of the patterns, it will be skipped.


Dependencies are managed through package.json. In that file you’ll find two sections:


Package Description
dotenv Loads environment variables from .env file.
koa Node.js web framework.
koa-bodyparser A bodyparser for koa.
koa-router Router middleware for koa.
koa-helmet Wrapper for helmet, important security headers to make app more secure
@koa/cors Cross-Origin Resource Sharing(CORS) for koa
reflect-metadata Used by typeORM to implement decorators.
typeorm A very cool SQL ORM.
class-validator Decorator based entities validation.
koa-response-time X-Response-Time middleware for Koa.
node-input-validator Validation library for node.js
uuid Simple, fast generation of RFC4122 UUIDS.


Package Description
@types Dependencies in this folder are .d.ts files used to provide types
nodemon Utility that automatically restarts node process when it crashes
ts-node Enables directly running TS files. Used to run copy-static-assets.ts
typescript JavaScript compiler/type checker that boosts JavaScript productivity
jest Jest is a zero configuration test runner that allows you easily write JavaScript tests without setting anything up.
supertest Library for testing HTTP servers on node js
pre-commit Pre-commit is a pre-commit hook installer for git. It will ensure that your npm test (or other specified scripts) passes before you can commit your changes. This all conveniently configured in your package.json.
ts-jest Ts-jest is a TypeScript preprocessor with source map support for Jest that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript.

To install or update these dependencies you can use npm install or npm update.